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Who's Paul Weir?

I was born in Southern California but grew up in San Jose. I met my wife in 1989, and we were married, right here in Grass Valley, 5 years later.

I have had a love affair with the natural world since my early days of chasing butterflies, collecting wildflowers, drawing pictures of birds, and watching tadpoles morph into frogs in my Grandparent's backyard creek.

I can still remember, with a chuckle and a smile, my Dad coming home to find that I had dug (with the help of some neighborhood friends) a 10ft x 10ft x 4ft deep hole in the backyard to make my own fish pond. We pooled our money to buy a plastic liner and took a group oath to start our very own fish club. I was 9 years old at the time.

I still think about digging fish ponds to this day :)

My passion and degree are in horticulture, though I have spent much of my adult life working in high-tech and then as a realtor. I have always held a sacred place in my heart for the special connection people need to have with the environment and the natural world we all live in. My move from the Bay Area to Grass Valley in 2005 has given me a wonderful opportunity to pay more attention to myself, my family and the beautiful world to be had in Nevada County. 

I met Keith Crabtree when we first moved to Grass Valley when I took his excellent Rural Property Management Course at Sierra College. It opened my eyes to my true calling and Keith and I have been great friends ever since.

Green Acres 101 is the company Keith and I created in 2006 to assist new and seasoned rural property owners in all aspects of embracing their dream of living the country life. 

My family and I live on 6 acres in Peardale. We have 2 horses, 12 chickens, a dog, and an apple orchard. We have been active in 4-H, FFA, Bear River High School, Gold Country Soccer Association, USA Archery, and are members of the Nevada County Farm Bureau too. . . Oh, and did I mention I was a Holistic Apple Farmer too? I grow heirloom apple and pear trees. Growing fruit is one of my true passions. 

Living the country life is where we want to be and Keith and I know that many of you do too . . . that is why we are here to help.

With Green Acres 101, your rural dreams have never been closer to reality and we are committed to helping you to make it all happen.

May all your acres be green ones!

Paul Weir